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Thrive Central Oregon's mission is to connect individual needs to community resources. 
Thrive Central Oregon meets families and individuals - our neighbors - in public spaces to connect them with the assistance they are looking for. There are many resources in Central Oregon, but the landscape can be difficult to navigate alone. We connect with folks and utilize a holistic, individual-led approach to services, and in doing so we help access affordable housing and financial security in a sustainable and trauma-informed way.
  • Respect and Dignity - We treat all clients with the utmost dignity and respect
  • Honoring Diversity - We honor diversity and are an equal opportunity provider
  • Client Driven - Our services are customized to meet individuals' priority needs
  • Advocacy - We advocate for fair and equitable treatment for our clients
  • Collaboration - We work in collaboration with others to increase individual access to community resources

About Us

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Equity Statement
Equity Statement

We will promote equity throughout our organization, valuing the  richness of the Central Oregon community, by connecting individual needs to community resources. 


We recognize people have varying degrees of access to opportunities based on current and historical inequities. These inequities are based on race, gender, socio-economic status, national origin, ethnicity, culture, disability, age, faith, gender identity and sexual orientation. 


We serve individuals and families living in poverty in Central Oregon by striving to break down barriers and reduce stigma when accessing social services. We aim to bridge the gap for community members, meeting them where they are in public spaces and providing vital connection to resources and support. 


People have the power to make positive movement in their lives. In order to fulfill our role of navigating barriers and bridging the gap, we believe that we must work toward and champion equity on both an individual and institutional level. We strive to promote a spirit of inclusivity from within our organization, and to work in collaboration with others to dismantle structural barriers to personal fulfillment.


We commit ourselves to:

  • Honor the dignity and worth of all people, and provide services that meet the unique needs of every individual.

  • Build deep, collaborative relationships rooted in respect, following the lead of the people we serve, and seek active feedback from our community stakeholders

  • Center equity, diversity, and inclusion in the foundation of our practices, policies and procedures. 

  • Provide ongoing opportunities for staff and board to engage in meaningful dialogue around diversity, equity, and inclusion to deepen understanding and promote growth

  • Learn as we venture on this journey to become a more inclusive and equitable organization.


We recognize that this work takes time, energy, and financial resources. We acknowledge that we will make mistakes along the way. However, our commitment to uphold equity, hold ourselves accountable to our values, and serve our community remains steadfast and strong. 

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