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Holiday Gift Celebration - High Lookee Lodge

This holiday season we initiated a gift drive for the Elders who live at the High Lookee Lodge in Warm Springs. With the intention of bringing a little bit of joy to our community, we set out crafting a wish list of some of their favorite things (per the staff at the Lodge of course) and reaching out to our community for support. 

And support you did! Our team was able to collect 50+ presents for the 18 residents at the Lodge, and like little elves our team wrapped them up and created bundles so that each resident was able to receive a couple of gifts. 

The Wednesday before Christmas staff members Arriana, Sophie and Katy went to the Lodge and kicked off the evening getting into the spirit by joining in on caroling around the Christmas tree and cookies. After the festivities, the crew went door-to-door delivering the gift bundles individually to the Elders. The residents were so excited and some even started unwrapping and using their gifts right away. 

Thank you so much to those who contributed to our gift drive, and to the Elders and High Lookee Lodge for inviting us into your space and holiday festivities! 🎅🏽🎁

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