This month we are highlighting our Community Outreach Advocate Arriana. Arriana is an Enrolled Member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and provides services in Warm Springs and Jefferson County.
When asked why she wanted to join Thrive Arriana said, “Growing up I was always raised to care for my neighbor and invest in my community. After learning about Thrive I felt that parts of their mission matched with a lot of my own personal values. I wanted to be a part of assisting individuals and families navigate community resources within my own community.” Arriana has worked with Thrive since October and said, “What I enjoy the most about Thrive and what I believe sets us apart from a lot of organizations is that we are individual-led. When we enter into a conversation with someone we let them guide their wants/needs and leave our own bias at the door. At Thrive we have an awesome team of genuine individuals. It makes all the difference knowing you have a team that supports you and truly wants the best for you and our community.”
When not at work, Arriana loves spending time outdoors in the mountains and in her living room working a jigsaw puzzle. One of her favorite quotes is "When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.” -Chief Seattle
Thank you Arriana for all that you do!